Data access

Data are provided as a simple text file, which is updated daily.

Recent results for the individual global stations (global ICON 3D model)

CodeNameRadius local modelGlobal ICON model (since 2015-02-23)
au Aubure 200 km icongl
ap Apache_Point 200 km icongl
bg Borowa_Gora 200 km icongl
bh Bad_Homburg 200 km icongl
bo Boulder 200 km icongl
br Boernchen 200 km icongl
bu Buro 200 km icongl
bw Borowiec 200 km icongl
ca Cantley 200 km icongl
cb Canberra 200 km icongl
ci Cibinong 200 km icongl
co Conrad 200 km icongl
dj Djougou 200 km icongl
es Esashi 200 km icongl
gu Gujarat 200 km icongl
ha Hamburg 200 km icongl
he Helgoland 200 km icongl
hh Hohes_Holz 200 km icongl
hn Hannover 200 km icongl
hs Hsinchu 200 km icongl
hu Hurbanovo 200 km icongl
ig Ishigakijima 200 km icongl
ju Juelich 200 km icongl
ka Kamioka 200 km icongl
la Larzac 200 km icongl
le Leipzig_Holzhausen 200 km icongl
lh Lhasa 200 km icongl
li Lindach 200 km icongl
lj Lijiang 200 km icongl
lp La_Plata 200 km icongl
ma Matsushiro 200 km icongl
mb Membach 200 km icongl
mc Medicina 200 km icongl
me Metsahovi 200 km icongl
mg MunGyung 200 km icongl
mi Mizusawa 200 km icongl
mo Moxa 200 km icongl
mu Mueritz 200 km icongl
ny Ny_Alesund 200 km icongl
pe Pecny 200 km icongl
po Potsdam 200 km icongl
os Onsala 200 km icongl
ro Rochefort 200 km icongl
ru Rustrel 200 km icongl
sc Black_Forest/Schiltach 200 km icongl
sf Schaefertal 200 km icongl
sh Schiltach 200 km icongl
sk Skocjan 200 km icongl
st Strasbourg 200 km icongl
su Sutherland 200 km icongl
sy Syowa 200 km icongl
tf Todenfeld 200 km icongl
th Theistareykir 200 km icongl
tr Trappes 200 km icongl
wa Walferdange 200 km icongl
wb Wuestebach 200 km icongl
we Wettzell 200 km icongl
wg Ghuttu 200 km icongl
wu Wuhan 200 km icongl
ys Yebes 200 km icongl
zu Zugspitze 200 km icongl

You find results from previous years following the link to the data directory of the global GME and the global ICON model

File content and data format

Global GME and global ICON model

1epoch (yyyymmddhh)
2model surface air pressure at station (Pa)
3vertical atmospheric attraction of local model (m/s**2)
4vertical atmospheric attraction of global model, except local zone (m/s**2)
5vertical deformation effect of global loading model (m/s**2)
6vertical ocean interface effect of global loading model (m/s**2)


2015022300  0.940578E+05 -0.18221E-07  0.71491E-08  0.76477E-08  0.12655E-08
2015022303  0.938544E+05 -0.26730E-07  0.75581E-08  0.94798E-08  0.12140E-08
2015022306  0.937021E+05 -0.33246E-07  0.72570E-08  0.10445E-07  0.10995E-08
2015022309  0.935325E+05 -0.40260E-07  0.69290E-08  0.11175E-07  0.13435E-08

Results for the individual European stations (regional 3D / global 2D model) discontinued

Please note:

If you want to combine the regional / local part of the former LM / COSMO-EU model with the global part of the ICON model, you must use the global part in the icon4lm directory.

You find results from previous years following the link to the data directory of the regional / local model COSMO-EU and the global model GME, or for the regional / local part (since 2016-01-14) and the global part (since 2016-01-14) of the ICON model

File content and data format

Regional / local model COSMO-EU or ICON-EU

1epoch (yyyymmddhh)
2model surface air pressure at station (Pa)
3vertical atmospheric attraction of local model (m/s**2)
4vertical atmospheric attraction of regional model, except local zone (m/s**2)


2009010100  0.998490E+05  0.53626E-07  0.16420E-08
2009010106  0.999540E+05  0.56941E-07  0.29887E-08
2009010112  0.100230E+06  0.65705E-07  0.56163E-08
2009010118  0.100190E+06  0.64002E-07  0.55398E-08

Global model GME or ICON

1epoch (yyyymmddhh)
2vertical atmospheric attraction of global model, except regional zone (m/s**2)
3vertical deformation effect of global loading model (m/s**2)


2009010100  0.38900E-08 -0.11070E-07
2009010106  0.39860E-08 -0.10610E-07
2009010112  0.39450E-08 -0.11160E-07
2009010118  0.41060E-08 -0.10890E-07

In order to obtain the total atmospheric (Newtonian) attraction, you simply have to add cols 3 and 4 from the lm / iconeu file and col 2 from the gm / icon file. If you want to include the atmospheric loading (deformation) effect, add col 3 from the gm / icon file additionally.